Polish autumn also means apples!

Polish autumn also means apples! Undefeated in the Orlen Basket Liga for Women, AZS AJP Gorzów Wielkopolski basketball players have their apples! It's the perfect source of vitamins before Wednesday's EuroCup Women's game, in which the Gorzów basketball players will face Piestanske Cajky!


The Landsberg Reneta (as the name says) was grown in Landsberg, as Gorzow Wielkopolski was called before World War II! It was this variety of apples that the Polish women basketball players of Enea AJP Gorzow were able to pick in the orchard and taste.

Are apples so popular in Hungary and Greece! Nora Wentzel and Elena Tsineke definitely confirmed that not so much as in Poland, and together with Wiktoria Kuczynska and Ewelina Smiałek were able to taste our Gorzow apple. The conclusion-definitely better than from the store!

How was the Landsberg reneta bred? It was done in the 19th century, in 1840 to be exact, by legal advisor Theodor Heinrich Otto Burchardt, an avid gardener and son of the then mayor of the city. The saplings did not bear their first fruit until 1852. The apples came from an orchard on the outskirts of Landsberg, which was located in the vicinity of today's Borowskiego and Kazimierz Jagiellończyk streets, i.e. in the current downtown area of Gorzow.

Forgotten after 1945, it has been experiencing a "second youth" since 2009, when Ryszard Bronisz, then president of the Gorzow Wholesale Market, decided to popularize this apple variety anew by planting 250 trees in Zieleniec near Gorzow! Reneta fruits are initially greenish-yellow, and become yellow-orange after they have aged. These apples are usually large or medium-sized (8-10 cm) are gently flattened, and their flesh is yellow-white. The fruits are very juicy and their taste is slightly sour; they are ideal for baked goods, juices, wines and preserves!

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